Program goals

About The Initiative

The program encompasses three key initiatives: virtual learning support in conflict zones, establishing refugee schools, and offering a comprehensive educational solution for displaced students. It aims to provide accessible, quality education through online platforms and physical schools in host countries, ensuring refugee students can continue their education seamlessly. This multi-faceted approach addresses the urgent educational needs of students affected by conflict, offering them stability, continuity in learning, and opportunities for growth despite their challenging circumstances.

project aims to find the best educational alternative for refugee students

Virtual Alternatives

Virtual learning aids for students in conflict zones

This project aims to find the best educational alternative for refugee students by providing suitable and appropriate educational conditions for their needs in order to continue their learning process online.

Refugee Schools

Building schools for refugee students in host countries

This project seeks to provide suitable classes for displaced Refugee students in hosting countries and all necessary curriculum, teachers and other services. The project includes a full-year operational budget.

project seeks to provide suitable classes for displaced Refugee students


Beneficiaries Students

2,000 USD

Per Student

600,000 USD


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